human penis enlargement

in the presence ofHuge desire for penis enlargementDue to the effectiveness of surgical procedures, men still less often seek to resort to this particular method.Mostly, people look for solutions to this problem on the internet and there are a large number of websites offering quality medicines at incredibly huge prices. The tenth path should be avoided because it is pure deception, defrauding people of a large sum of money, and is harmful to health.But nevertheless, there is a way out and you can use itPopular penis enlargement procedures, whose technology has been used by more than one generation. The most common ones are covered here.


To be more precise -Popular Penis Enlargement MethodsSelf-massage. It is divided into two stages - preparation and massage itself. To prepare your penis for an effective massage, you'll need a small piece of any soft material. Soak it in warm water and squeeze, but not too hard. The cloth is then wrapped around the penis to improve blood circulation.Do not remove material for at least three minutes and then repeat your operation. Dry your penis gently. This completes the preparations for the main membership procedures. By performing this procedure, you build blood flow and warm the skin at the same time.You can then continue with the massage; you can lie down or sit down. Grasp the head of your penis, but not so tightly that it hurts or hurts. Then begin to pull it away from you, holding this position for about five minutes until you first feel discomfort.Return to the previous position and massage the penis in circular motions to improve blood circulation. Repeat this exercise, but change the direction of the pull—up, down, left, right. The last thing you should do is look away from you again, but for about a minute. Return to the starting position and gently squeeze the penis 10 times.Be very careful not to use too much force and not to pull or cause pain during the exercises, as you may damage the dorsal nerves. After just four months of consistent training, you'll feel positive results.One man shares positive results from popular penis enlargement procedure

automatic training

If you believe what psychologists say, anything is possible with a strong commitment to it. Therefore, the essence of this method is simple - every day you create for yourself an image of a penis with the desired size.By doing this, you stimulate the action of specific hormones and specific chemical elements in your body, which results inpenis growth. Conduct regular self-persuasion sessions before bed.

Activate points

thisPopular Penis Enlargement MethodsIt is based on a direct impact on the biological points of our body. This method may seem strange at first, but by activating these acupuncture points, you stimulate the cells in your penis to actively divide, which in turn drives it to grow.These points are located on the back of the hand, along the edge of its base. Just massage them every day.

Herbal drinks

This is the most popular method presented here; it is based on the use of decoctions of various herbs. More accurate information about the herbs neededPopular penis enlargement proceduresYou can purchase it from a knowledgeable herbalist. If personal contact is not possible, you can do this via the Internet and place your order here. The most common herbs people use are Korean ginseng, hawthorn, and tribulus terrestris.Professional doctors are very distrustful of the use of such methods, as a philistine attitude towards them often leads to further deterioration of health conditions. The only approved treatments in global medicine are extenders. This is a scientifically developed device that actually allows you to increase the size of your penis without having to resort to the help of a surgeon.